Today's weekly release of the Actual Slaughter report detailed meat production statistics for the first week of July.
Dressed steer weights rose +6 lbs. this week to 847. Dressed heifers were +5 lbs. to 916. This is a time of seasonally rising weights. Last year in this week they rose even more. That helped bring down the year over year overages again. Steers are running +24 lbs. vs. last year while heifers are +22.
Weights were adding +4.0% to beef production separate from slaughter numbers six weeks ago. That overage is now down to +2.7%.
Dressed barrow/gilt weights rose +1 lb. in the latest week to 210. Compared with last year they went from +2 lbs. to now +3. Weights are adding +1.4% to pork production.