Allendale, Inc. Releases Cattle on Feed Estimates

For Immediate Release

Allendale, Inc. Releases Cattle on Feed Estimates  
CHICAGO, IL. (July 11, 2024) – The following are our estimates for the coming Cattle on Feed report.  June placements are expected -3.7% from prior year at 1.616 million head. This is the smallest inflow for June in eight years. Placements would run below last year levels in six of the past eight months. June placements determine a part of December through March fed cattle supply. Kansas State University estimates finishing cattle during December – February require a $203 breakeven.  

Allendale anticipates a Marketing total in June -7.8% from last year at 1.804 million. Due to calendar days, 2024 vs. 2023, there was a significant downward adjustment.  

Total Cattle on Feed as of July 1 is estimated at 11.326 million, +1.1% from last year.

For questions and comments, please contact Rich Nelson, Chief Strategist at 800-262-7538 or