For Immediate Release
Allendale, Inc. Releases Cattle on Feed Estimates
MCHENRY, IL. (October 17, 2024) – The following are our estimates for the coming Cattle on Feed report. September placements are expected -2.8% from prior year at 2.144 million head. September placements determine a part of March – July fed cattle supply. Total placements this year, January – September, would run -2.1% year/year. This grouping of placements helps determine fed cattle supplies Q4 through a part of Q2. Kansas State University estimates finishing cattle during March – May il require a $183 breakeven.
Allendale anticipates a Marketing total in September +2.0% from last year at 1.696 million. This is the second smallest September marketing in nine years.
Total Cattle on Feed as of October 1 is estimated at 11.590 million, +0.1% from last year. This is the largest October 1 number in four years.
For questions and comments, please contact Rich Nelson, Chief Strategist at 800-262-7538 or